Expert Contributors to TAPAS Network
Jillian Anable
Jillian Anable

Jillian Anable is Professor of Transport and Energy at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.

We are now facing two alternative futures (plus an untenable one) (jointly with Phil Goodwin)
Devon Barrett
Devon Barrett

Devon Barrett is Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer of Podaris, a collaborative platform for transport planning. He combines his passion for making cities more liveable with his software engineering expertise to deliver solutions helping plan the cities of tomorrow. His work has won a number of awards, and this year, he was nominated for Young Transport Planner of the Year for providing strategic technical modelling advice on a number of high-profile projects.

Bus Connectivity Assessment: a new element in the transport planning toolkit
Terence Bendixon
Terence Bendixon

Terence Bendixson has been a campaigner for walking since he joined the Pedestrians’ Association (now Living Streets) in 1969. He is also a researcher and writer.

Time to end walking’s role as transport’s Cinderella mode (jointly with Kris Beuret)
Jonathan Bray
Jonathan Bray

Jonathan Bray, is an independent transport consultant and former director of the Urban Transport Group.

Should we really be expecting anything much better for transport policy from the next Government?
Kris Beuret
Kris Beuret

Kris Beuret was Director of Social Research Associates and now works as an independent consultant on behavioural and social equity issues.

Time to end walking’s role as transport’s Cinderella mode (jointly with Terence Bendixon)
Confronting Transport-Related Social Exclusion: refining the Methodology and addressing the Challenges
Colin Black
Colin Black

Dr Colin Black has over 30 years’ consultancy experience specialising in sustainability, strategy, behavioural insights, and liveable places. He is a director of Mayer Brown, a specialist consultancy focussed on the regeneration and development sector. He has provided policy advice to governments internationally and was instrumental in the publication of the UK transport assessment and travel plan guidelines.

Is this the chance to finally deliver new housing served by sustainable transport?
Housing Development and Highways - will we ever break the link?
Ian Coles
Ian Coles

Ian Coles is the Managing Director of TRICS Consortium Limited. He has worked on TRICS for 33 years, with 20 of these in the role of Project Manager.

TRICS and Vision-Led Transport Planning: A New Era of Innovation and Development
John Dales
John Dales

John Dales is a streets design adviser to local authorities around the UK, a member of several design review panels, and one of the London mayor’s design advocates. He is a past chair of the Transport Planning Society, a former trustee of Living Streets, and a committee member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety. He is director of transport planning and street design consultancy Urban Movement.

Here’s hoping Rayner and Haigh can re-boot the Prescott vision of joined up land use and transport planning
It’s like the Wild West on our streets. I can name the outlaws, but where’s the Sheriff?
Transport matters a lot - but not in elections. And that, on the whole, is a good thing
Happy 10th birthday to the ‘Mini Holland’ poster child, and may there be many more happy returns
Sidewalk stories from the Big Apple. What makes a city special - and worth fighting for
It’s a Wonder - Up-tight, everything’s alright on side street junctions
We have knowledge but not power. We need a toolkit for our times to help translate our insight into useful practice
Who’s talking, who’s listening- and what language are they using? It’s a problem for society - and for transport people too
Lining up to embrace motorists just makes our politicians look silly - and it will have no winners
The Urban SUVs: Too big for their boots, dangerous to others – and not paying their fair share either
STOLEN. Our Pavements. Let’s stop it!
Let’s find better ways to treat our urban trees
Hello kerbside - we have great plans for you at last!
‘One thing to rule them all’. Why not a single package for ALL Mobility Services – and how users pay for them?
Designing streets is one thing, managing them is another: we need to get much better at it ASAP
Street Space – a public asset from which we urgently need to get much greater value, for all
Let’s really think about the role of the kerb before our EV enthusiasm takes over
Just say it: save lives, drive less
Choose hope - it’s a decision to take with your eyes wide open about the climate challenge
When the going gets tough... the weak resort to Doublethink
Misplaced understanding about street safety is not an accident
Pete Dyson
Pete Dyson

Pete Dyson was a member of Ogilvy’s behavioral science practice from 2013 to 2020, when he joined the Department for Transport as principal behavioral scientist, tasked with the Covid-19 response, sustainable behavior change, and internal capability building. He is now Doctoral Researcher in Transport & Travel Behaviour at AAPS CDT EPSRC, University of Bath. He’s also Bicycle Mayor Of Bath and a semi-professional Ironman triathlete, in 2021 breaking the record for the fastest non-stop cycle from Land’s End to London. He is the author of the book Transport for Humans (with Rory Sutherland). He studied Human Geography at the University of Cambridge and his First Class dissertation won the Royal Geographical Society Prize awarded by the Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group.

Beyond Carrots & Sticks – why it’s time to replace this unhelpful transport policy metaphor
Arman Farahmand-Razavi
Arman Farahmand-Razavi

Arman Farahmand-Razavi is a transport and planning advisor and a business strategy professional. He is the joint editor of the and has been the chair of The Friends of LTT working group since 2021.

This might turn out to be another significant moment
Roger French
Roger French

Roger French was managing director of Brighton & Hove Bus Company until his retirement in 2013. He is the secretary of the 10% Club of bus managers seeking growth in the sector.

Can 30 DRT minibuses really hope to successfully replace up to 40 bus routes?
Mark Frost
Mark Frost

Mark Frost is Director at Fern Consulting, Policy Director for Transport Planning Society and advisor to London’s Strategic Transport Forum (part of the London Technical Advisors Group of lead borough officers for transport).

London mayor has a big target for cutting carbon emissions - he needs big ideas to achieve it. Here are five to start with
James Gleave
James Gleave

James Gleave is a transport consultant and the founder and director of Mobility Lab, UK. He has assisted in the delivery of many transport and infrastructure strategies and policies and supported the delivery of various new technology, autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure, and mobility-as-a service projects. He is also a board member of the Transport Planning Society.

Where is MaaS going? Its complicated… (jointly with Beate Kubitz)
Phil Goodwin
Phil Goodwin

Phil Goodwin is emeritus professor of transport policy at both the Centre for Transport and Society, University of the West of England, Bristol, and University College London.

The Smeed Report on Road Pricing: Still influential after 60 years, but the difficult issues still remain
What should the new Government do about Roads and Traffic? A Strategy for Truth and Reconciliation
The deep flaws in how we model freight
Decision time for England’s biggest road project. What are the implications? (Part Two)
Decision time for England’s biggest road project. What are the implications? (Part One)
Can our political system treat transport properly? Lessons from a generation ago
50th Anniversary of the Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University: A Memoir
Induced traffic: yet again a worryingly overlooked dimension in crucial road planning and appraisal policy (jointly with Lisa Hopkinson)
From black and white to shades of grey – the flawed world of expert knowledge dissemination in transport
Is all our travelling just a basic human need - or are some of us simply justifying unrealistic expectations?
The 2022 DfT National Road Traffic Projections: unanswered questions and required conversations
Lower Thames Crossing – Is this Tunnel a Bridge too Far?
How best to use Road Space: a problem we can’t ignore, but it’s a multi-dimensional and complex one
Le Chatelier’s principle — protecting road projects from the rigours of consistent appraisal
Important and Credible Fuzzy Projections by the Department for Transport - but still Fuzzy Thinking about Stonehenge
A Transport Convergence: The right policies will favour all of safety, environment, and economy
Unresolved tensions in the appraisal of road projects are undermining decarbonization and value for money
£400 per household per year to achieve net zero? A bargain, surely? But...
If you’re in a hole... it must be time to rethink Stonehenge scheme
Why we must recognise the true impact of climate change in transport appraisal
We are now facing two alternative futures (plus an untenable one) (jointly with Jillian Anable)
Free Tickets – from a directors’ perk to a tool of climate change policy
The UN Global Road Safety Week relaunches ‘20’s Plenty’ in towns
Carbon, the roads programme, and ‘de minimis’ in law
Taking Grant Shapps’ walking and cycling targets seriously
New Green Book paves way for shake up of road and transport appraisals
Social media, disappearing traffic, and social justice
Road appraisal makes carbon dioxide uniquely insignificant. Why? And what to do about it?
Time to get back to normal, kick-start business as usual. Not.
Transport appraisal and planning in a time of imperatives
Net Zero requires reappraisal of the road programme: but how?
Derek Halden
Derek Halden

Derek Halden founded the transport system design business DHC in 1996 and the data and technology subsidiary Loop Connections in 2011. He seeks to make connections between people, places and policies, following 10 years in a range of policy, research and project management roles in the civil service with the Scottish Office and TRL. He is also secretary of Scotland’s transport think tank, Scottish Transport Studies Group, and a former Scottish Branch Chair of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

More Work is Needed on the Interactions between Appraisal and Investment - and explaining where the costs and benefits go
Lisa Hopkinson
Lisa Hopkinson

Lisa Hopkinson is a freelance consultant with over 30 years experience of research in the environmental field. She is an Associate at Transport For Quality of Life, which offers expertise in sustainable transport research, policy and best practice.

Induced traffic: yet again a worryingly overlooked dimension in crucial road planning and appraisal policy (jointly with Phil Goodwin)
Duncan Irons
Duncan Irons

Duncan Irons is Market Director at SYSTRA.

Shouldn’t we be looking at Transport through a different lens?
Richard Jeremy
Richard Jeremy

Richard Jeremy is a Principal Consultant, Bus Services, at SYSTRA. He has worked in bus and DRT network development since 2003.

Wider thinking can help tackle challenges of DRT
Peter Jones
Peter Jones

Peter Jones is professor of transport and sustainable development in the Centre for Transport Studies at UCL. Previously he was Director of the Transport Studies Group at the University of Westminster, and Deputy Director of the Transport Studies Unit at Oxford University.

Visions require validation: new approaches for deciding and testing which policies will deliver
Martina Juvara
Martina Juvara

Martina Juvara is director at consultancy URBAN Silence.

Growing, Growing - Gone? Time to re-think our future
Beate Kubitz
Beate Kubitz

Beate Kubitz is a specialist in future mobility and the role it plays in carbon reduction. Her consultancy provides research, innovation and policy development at local and national level. As well as the new book on MaaS she has just co-authored, she also edited the Annual Survey of Mobility as a Service 2017-2020 published by Landor Links and is a regular contributor to transport journals.

Where is MaaS going? Its complicated… (jointly with James Gleave)
Esther Kurland
Esther Kurland

Esther Kurland is designer at Urban Design London and describes herself as a town planner with an urban design bent. She worked in development management and design and conservation roles for
10 years in District and Borough councils before joining the Greater London Authority to develop the urban design and built environment policies for the first London plan. She later led on planning work at CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment) before leaving to develop Urban Design London’s training and support programme over the last 14 years.
Esther has been a panel member and chair of a number of design review panels include at CABE, the GLA and a range of local authorities. She is also an advisor on the built environment to NICE and has been an external examiner for UCL planning courses for the last 4 years. She is a non executive director of the National Planning Forum and is a member of CHITs Urban Design Panel.

Thinking beyond 15 minutes: we need a whole new perspective on space, time and travel to deliver better places to live
David Leeder
David Leeder

David Leeder is co-founder of consultants TIL Transport Investment Ltd, and was previously a director of National Express Group, West Midlands Travel, FirstGroup and Greyhound Lines, USA.

Spending wish list for transport set to meet harsh post-election financial realities
Greg Marsden
Greg Marsden

Greg Marsden is Professor of Transport Governance at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. He has researched issues surrounding the design and implementation of new policies for over 20 years covering a range of issues. He is an expert in climate and energy policy in the transport sector. He is the Principal Investigator on the DecarboN8 network where he is responsible for integrating a new place-based approach to decarbonising transport.

Rowing Backwards: The New Politics of Decarbonisation
Reverse gear: The reality and implications of national transport emission reduction policies
The route to Net Zero: DfT assumptions look well off course
No Safe Space for Decarbonisation: why we all need to know the tough changes transport must make
Now’s the time to take a positive for transport from the pandemic
Lucy Marstrand-Taussig
Lucy Marstrand-Taussig

Lucy Marstrand-Taussig is an independent walking and cycling design consultant.

Let’s let citizens take control - local empowerment on traffic can be the key to rapid modal switch
Steve Melia
Steve Melia

Steve Melia is a Visiting Fellow in the Centre for Transport and Society at the University of the West of England. He retired as a Senior Lecturer in December 2021. His research interests focussed on behaviour change (particularly in the context of climate change), changing transport policy and the interaction between transport and spatial planning.

Peak Complexity – Why Things Stop Working, and how that Should Worry the Transport Sector
David Metz
David Metz

David Metz is an honorary professor in the Centre for Transport Studies at University College London, formerly Chief Scientist at the UK Department for Transport.

EVs and AVs - are we setting the right priorities for the next life of the car?
Travel demand saturation means we should accept our road system has reached maturity, and act accordingly
Is our transport regulation serving us well - and supporting this era of innovation?
Why we need to look at Travel Behaviour differently now
Triple Access Planning is a useful concept – but have the practicalities been fully thought through?
Transport investment appraisal - What are we really trying to measure?
When theory and reality don’t match, we need to change the way we think
Travel after the pandemic — are we any wiser yet?
The National Infrastructure Commission’s Transport Assessment: How much does it help us move forward?
HS2: a failure of economic analysis - at both the beginning and the end
Car dependence - an interesting concept but not one that seems capable of building into practical transport policy-making
A new world of information – but does AI have all the right answers? (jointly with ChatGPT)
Bring back SACTRA – it is high time to open up the black box that drives transport policies, not shut down vital discussion
Can a new road pricing framework both bring in replacement revenue – and help achieve Net Zero?
When the facts change, we should change our thinking – and that’s the case with planning our future transport now
Self-driving cars - is all the Government attention justified?
Plenty of Professors now – but is our radar properly tuned to what we really need to know and understand?
Are we good to go? Decarbonising Travel After the Pandemic
Digital Navigation is driving traffic in new directions – we need to respond
Five overarching issues that should be tackled before work starts on RIS3 roads plan
National Transport Model: The obscure influencer that needs further review
Road investment framework is based on objectives and values from the past
New thinking on rail appraisal should extend across the modes
Matthew Niblett
Matthew Niblett

Matthew Niblett is Director at Independent Transport Commission (ITC).

Why travel? Rethinking our need for movement in an age of crises
Simon Owen
Simon Owen

Simon Owen is Sports and Events Lead at Movement Strategies (A GHD Company). From starting his career as a transport planner, Simon has been involved in the provision of people and crowd movement advice for over 15 years, and has supported the planning of high profile events from The London Olympics of 2012 to this summer’s Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, numerous stadia and cultural venues and a number of the UK’s largest train stations.

Q is for Queen. But also for Queueing – an overlooked area of transport expertise
John Siraut
John Siraut

John Siraut is director of economics at Jacobs.

Counting the changing cost of travel- not quite what it sometimes seems
Rail use is growing – but is split ticketing inflating the estimated passenger numbers?
34 million cars in the UK – but a changing mix of what they are, and who drives them
Pandemic impacts fading into wider long-term trends, new NTS reveals
Latest London travel data drills down into changing daily patterns of bus and rail use
UK Goods movement and freight traffic flows – a key transport activity deserving greater understanding
Parking revenues and Local Authorities – taking a closer look at the numbers. Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea and Brighton top the lists
Transport Statistics Great Britain (TSGB) 2023
ORR reveals huge new rail origin-destination data matrix
What is the impact of the £2 fare cap - and could it change the trajectory of bus use?
NTS 2022 records continuing impacts of the Pandemic – but dominance of car still shows through
Ethnicity and travel, findings from the 2021 Census
Post-Pandemic travel patterns show some change – but commitment to the car remains strong
Elizabeth Line lifts rail passenger numbers back over pre-Pandemic levels – and makes TfL one of Britain’s biggest rail operators
Buses: data reveals an unstable and challenging landscape
Pandemic responses to travel-to-work seem here to stay - and have highlighted levels of car dependency
Stats aren’t what they used to be: Big data may rule, but TSGB and the Census still tell key stories
Station usage figures show a changed post-Covid rail market
Who drives, and how well? A look at the numbers and their variation by gender and age
National Travel Survey shows still unfinished patterns of change
Working from home - a changing pattern
How sandwich sales have added new insights about current transport and travel trends
Cars, trains, buses and flights: How much do we all spend on transport?
Pandemic-hit varying rail use patterns revealed
Road User Charging – does the switch to electric mean its time has now come?
Peter Stonham
Peter Stonham

Peter Stonham holds a degree in transport and has studied and written about the subject for more than 30 years. He is editorial director of Landor LINKS, which he founded, and has led the development of Local Transport Today and its other specialist magazines and online networks.

Time to put our human intelligence to considering the full implications of AI
Infrastructure planning: NISTA’s the word as the Treasury takes control
Missions and visions all the talk - but whose views count most?
They helped build a new approach to local transport. Who will take the baton now?
Un-required reading?
Infrastructure investment. Buy now - pay later?
Yes, AVs can have a role - but only where they fit in
Putting the car in its place
The Smeed Report on Road Pricing: Still influential after 60 years, but the difficult issues still remain
An industrial view of a public policy puzzle
How will the Government deliver on infrastructure now? Does Reeves’ speech point way to new private finance plans?
The Machine Stops
Labour starts its transport journey…But who is deciding the path?
Most decisions have climate consequences. But can we really seek to embrace them all?
Plus ça Change...
It’s not the methods, but the purposes of CBA, that need re-appraisal now
Asking the experts
Planning homes and transport together - an incomplete connection
The Future is up in the air. Let’s try looking backwards
Exceptional transport changemakers are rare - but we need them badly now
A case for better decision-making
Driverless bandwagon moving forward hastily - but where are we aiming to get to?
Travel behaviour change: what’s possible, what works, and what’s needed?
Measuring Transport Connectivity — a useful tool or a new burden?
Time for Total Transport to come out of the DfT’s ‘too difficult’ tray
A Year of Upheaval – but not much Progress
Time for a wider look at transport’s trickiest challenges
New priorities need new delivery frameworks
Lessons from the Summit: thinking beyond the transport mantra
Transforming British Transport: a genuine opportunity?
Who is driving transport’s future now?
Dis-integration: Professionals’ thinking meets political reality
Plenty of judgement, but not enough evidence
Comprehensive evaluation study provides new transport planning resource
Politics in the driving seat
Transport is missing clear objectives, more than needing a strategy
Lifestyle choice, not modal choice, needed to really tackle transport’s climate problem
Transport – not just carbon hungry
A world away from what’s needed
The machine grinds on – but it’s time to review where it is going
Innovation needs analysis – so why has DRT had so little?
Are we smart enough to deal with the implications of AI?
Using de minimis to do the minimum
Compromises and contradictions, but always room for debate
Long-term thinking on local public transport finances needed now
It’s people driving policy
Time to redefine ‘road safety’?
Time to examine Faults in the Machine
Ideals worth aiming for in 2023
Forecast: Stormy
Good COP, Bad COP: Bunker Mentality at Sharm el-Sheikh
Finding funding for sustainable local transport: a tale of three cities
Do we Keep Right On to The End of The Road... even if it isn’t making sense any more?
So is this the end of the Growth Plan - and what is transport’s role in the economy anyway?
It’s not all about Economic Growth now, stupid
Time for transport people to walk the talk
It’s time to re-appraise appraisal, and Wales shows the way
Coping with a world of unintended consequences
The Boiling Point. What’s missing if it isn’t the experience?
What’s it for? Is it worth it? Did it work?
Worth some thought before councils sent charging ahead?
Peak Car might be coming but some car-dependents look incurable
Uber thinking goes beyond taxis
Elizabeth Line opening will test reality of much changed Crossrail demand patterns (with Rhodri Clark)
Not quite what we planned for - but still an asset
Putting Local decision-making in its proper Place
A Climate for Change?
All change for the trains and buses - but will it deliver?
Consequences of the war could further hasten transport change
Making the right case, Using the right tools?
Levelling up is a challenge for transport too
Change in the Air?
Technology brings challenges as well as benefits
Vincent Stops
Vincent Stops

Vincent Stops worked for 20 years as the Streets Officer at London TravelWatch, the statutory body representing transport users in London. He was also a councillor and some time lead member for transport at the London Borough Hackney, where more residents commute by cycle than drive.

Let’s put more and safer cycling in the mix with better buses and great streets for walking too
‘Cycling First’ policy for London has badly damaged buses
Cycling fatalities are rising in the Netherlands – so, why are we still trying to emulate their approach?
Barney Stringer
Barney Stringer

Barney Stringer is a director at Quod, an independent consultancy at the cutting edge of planning, development economics, socio-economics and environmental planning, based in London and Leeds. He started his career at Local Transport Today, where he was assistant editor and twice winner of Transport Journalist of the Year.

Twenty’s Plenty – now Time for Ten?
A turning point for the UK’s demographics – and transport planning too?
Ralph Smyth
Ralph Smyth

Ralph Smyth previously practised public law as a barrister and led on infrastructure policy for countryside charity, CPRE. He is now a freelance consultant on transport policy and governance issues as well as leading the Transport Action Network’s strategy and legal challenges.

The big challenges for transport from Labour’s devolution plan
John Sutton
John Sutton

Dr. John Sutton holds degrees in environmental science, urban planning and transport and has more than 40 years of managerial and technical experience. His expertise includes transport planning, research and policy analysis, appraisal, operations (community transport, DRT, local authority transport, bus and rail), information systems and GIS. He has completed assignments in the UK, USA and Asia, including a number of important high visibility projects and leading-edge applications of transport methods and technology. He has a long-standing interest and involvement in specialised and minority modes of transport, and is a member of the Accessibility and Inclusion forum of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

The Theoretical and Practical Limits to Demand Responsive Transport Services
Jonathan Tyler
Jonathan Tyler

Jonathan Tyler joined British Rail as a Traffic Apprentice in 1962. In time working at BR headquarters he contributed to strategic studies, including developing the first model for estimating demand for faster and more frequent services. He was appointed BR Lecturer at the University of Birmingham in 1976 and became an independent consultant in 1983, as Passenger Transport Networks, based in York. He has long been interested in good timetabling, and since 2000, with encouragement from Switzerland’s Embassy in London, he has used the Swiss Viriato planning software in supporting franchise bids, ScotRail’s Inter7City network and many other projects. He is a Fellow of the Foundation for Integrated Transport.

Our rail system can’t have a good future when it offers less than the sum of its parts
Tom van Vuren
Tom van Vuren

Tom van Vuren is Policy Director at the Transport Planning Society, Regional Director UK & Europe at Veitch Lister Consulting and a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds.

Lessons from the Roads Review: Are we ready for a new way of thinking about transport objective
Peter White
Peter White

Peter White is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Westminster, following a long career in teaching and research there, having joined in 1971, back when it was the Polytechnic of Central London. He became Professor of Public Transport Systems in 1992. He is the author of the widely used textbook Public Transport: its Planning, Management and Operation, which is now in its sixth edition, having first been published in 1976.

What is the place for DRT in the wider public transport system?

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